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Seconds Can Change A Life: Recognizing And Responding To Infantile Spasms

Infantile spasms, also known as West syndrome, is a rare and serious type of epilepsy that affects babies. These seizures are brief and repetitive jerks, which could cause developmental issues later on if they are not addressed and treated immediately. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of infantile spasms is essential for the long-term development of your child.

Look for the signs: Infantile spasms symptoms

Infantile spasms can be subtle and easily mistaken for normal baby movements. But, there are certain features to be able to spot:

Involuntary jerks typically affect the neck as well as upper body. The result is that they lean forward rapidly. The legs and arms can also be moved quickly.

In clustered episodes, the snaps may occur in clusters of spasms with multiple spasms, over an insignificant amount of time (seconds to minute). These clusters can happen repeatedly throughout the time of the day.

Change of expression: Babies might cry or seem startled when they experience spasms.

The Power Of Video: Capturing Spasms in infants for diagnosis earlier

You must act swiftly when you suspect your child is suffering from infantile spasms. Early diagnosis and treatment are dependent on each and every minute. The ability to record a video can save your life:

Visual evidence. Noting that your child is experiencing spasms in a series can be extremely helpful to doctors when it comes to diagnosing the issue. These brief events may be missed during a doctor’s appointment.

Accurate diagnosis: Clear video lets doctors accurately diagnose infantile spasms, and distinguish them from other kinds of seizures as well as normal baby movements.

Rapid treatment: Early detection can facilitate treatment in a short time possibly reducing developmental delays caused by untreated spasms in infants.

If you suspect infantile spasms, act immediately.

If you suspect your baby is experiencing infantile spasms, you should be concerned.

Video recording: Record the spasms on your phone or camera. You can also capture as many details as you can.

Call your pediatrician promptly. It’s important to get your child front of a pediatrician. Share the video and explain your concerns.

Bring your child and the video to the nearest emergency center that is geared towards children, if you have to seek medical attention in an emergency.

Early intervention is key for securing your child’s future

The effects of infantile spasms could be severe developmental delays, which include cerebral palsy, intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorders. It is crucial to identify your child quickly and intervene promptly to increase the chances of recovery and milestones your child will experience. Infantile spasms can be addressed in a variety of ways that range from diet modifications or medications. If the condition is more severe it may require surgery. Parents can aid their children achieve improved cognitive and motor performance by treating the problem whenever possible.

Be aware of your instincts if you think there’s something going on with your baby. Always better to be safe instead of sorry. It’s crucial to know the infantile spasms symptoms, capture footage of them in case you happen to see them, and get immediate medical attention.


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